
Blog as Diary

I've never kept a diary, but I always thought the potential of keeping one was in someone else reading it. There seemed to me no point of writing down what you already knew-although my poor memory should disabuse me of that notion-unless it was to leave a mental record behind for others to sift through and perhaps take inspiration from. I think we sometimes understand the thoughts of others with more clarity than our own.

The purpose of this "diary" is to collect thoughts on a range of topics and how they relate to the theory and practice of architecture. The title sets the tone, and I hope as the result of discussion, the idea of architecture in an ungrounded world may become ever slightly more firm.

1 comment:

  1. What great footsteps for us to follow and engage with your thoughts! But, it's hard for me to imagine architecture ever really standing on terra firma. Perhaps this unsolidified base that we build on is meant to remain so we continue to explore new trajectories or old trajectories through new eyes.
